Welcome to Astrologie, where we believe that fashion is more than just clothes - it's a way of expressing yourself and feeling confident in your own skin. Our commitment to quality, affordability, and trend-right designs sets us apart from other apparel companies.
Since our establishment in 2003 by Angelo Ghailian, we've been at the forefront of private label products for large US retailers. With a focus on both imported and quick turn domestic LA production, we're able to offer our customers the latest and most unique designs in a timely manner.
Our product line is carefully curated to ensure that our customers can find everything they need to feel their best. From novelty tops and loungewear to dresses and sleepwear, we have it all. We're constantly updating our collection with the latest fabrics, both knits and wovens, to ensure that you're always on-trend.
At Astrologie, we understand that the world of fashion moves quickly. That's why we have our own in-house sampling and design team, as well as established manufacturing alliances of supreme quality in Los Angeles and beyond. With a focus on dependability and speed to market, we strive to exceed our customers' expectations with every order.
Thank you for choosing Astrologie, where fashion meets affordability without compromising on quality.